Friday, March 4, 2016

Our Osprey Family


We checked on our osprey family right after we arrived. We soon saw the familiar white breast of one of the parents guarding the nest from a high branch in the tree across the bay from us. It's quite far away so it's hard to get a half decent shot from the balcony.

Last winter we watched the adult birds for several weeks, until all activity around the nest suddenly stopped. We sadly concluded that some predator had stolen the eggs and the adults had no reason to stay around.

On our first day we witnessed a couple of crows trying to gain access to the nest. The osprey sentinel fought them off but the attack almost seemed like a test run for a pair of clever crows. The osprey would be a poor match for an aggressive, determined team of crows. I just read an interesting article about the life of the crow, and it seems that their predator behavior is not uncommon.

I was surprised that the 50X zoom of the little Canon PowerShot SX530 does a great job, rivaling the long lens of the Canon Rebel.

1 comment:

  1. Great shots sis! You should be out there guarding the nest!


About Me

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The first blog was a simple travel journal written during an Alaskan cruise in 2008. I document all of our trips, and refer to my posts fairly frequently, especially when we're planning a return visit to a destination. I enjoy recording events in both words and pictures -- blogging is one more way of staying in touch with family and friends in this wonderful, connected world. I've been retired since April of 2013, and there's no shortage of things to do or activities to enjoy. I enjoy writing about everything ... and nothing.