Thursday, March 24, 2016

Save my Seat!

Saved spots around the pool

There's nothing that seems to annoy people more than "saving" seats, and yet so many people do it that I sometimes wonder about the universality of the annoyance. In our parish, the pastor put an end to seat saving for popular ceremonies, like school events, Christmas Eve and the Easter Vigil. I was surprised that he succeeded, because the practice prevailed for many years without any evident opposition.

At nearly every resort, the seat savers run to the pool early in the morning and get what they consider to be the best spots, usually for the sun exposure. I hardly ever care, because all I need is any dry surface for my swim bag or, often, just my towel, cover-up and glasses case.

This morning, seat saving seemed a little excessive, especially for a cloudy day. I'm laughing at the prospect of a fight -- and I'm sure I'll see one some day, though perhaps not among this population of relatively quiet vacationers.

About Me

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The first blog was a simple travel journal written during an Alaskan cruise in 2008. I document all of our trips, and refer to my posts fairly frequently, especially when we're planning a return visit to a destination. I enjoy recording events in both words and pictures -- blogging is one more way of staying in touch with family and friends in this wonderful, connected world. I've been retired since April of 2013, and there's no shortage of things to do or activities to enjoy. I enjoy writing about everything ... and nothing.